Portrait | Winner

Peter Schulte

Hamburg www.schultephotographie.de

Up close


‘Ganz nah dran’ (Up close), is a series of photographs of my daughter Ava and a selection of paper masks (Mamelok Papercraft Masks). ‘Up close’. Immersing myself in a world of childhood that, although it exists only in my memories, triggers thousands of feelings when viewing the pictures. ‘Up close’. In spontaneously captured moments, these images possess an authenticity that is essential to me as a photographer. ‘Up close’. Close to the masks and the strangely distorted proportions that make you feel you are looking at a stranger. For me, as a father, almost a little threatening, even scary. But with a second look, the viewer discovers the world behind the masks. It cannot be seen, but it can be felt. Nevertheless, before ‘Up close’ takes on a mystical character, it must be said that the fun and playfulness of the game was my motivation to capture it with the camera. ‘Up close’ was a surprise even to me, and that makes me particularly happy.


Peter Schulte, Hamburg

1985: Abitur German school leavers’ qualification; 1985–1987: Alternative civilian service;

1988–1990: Photography course at the Lette-Verein vocational education centre in Berlin;

since 1990: Freelance photographer in Hamburg, specialist areas: food photography and still life

Jury Statement

With ‘UP CLOSE’, his portfolio of black and white portraits, Peter Schulte leads us away to a world of childhood that, at first sight, seems almost threatening and sinister. However, a second look reveals the playful world behind the masks. Images as an invitation to dream. Images that irritate. An unusual piece of work, far removed from our contemporary ways of seeing things.
